The Soundtrack of თბილისი ✪ Tbilisi

The Soundtrack of Tbilisi is a compilation LP with some outstanding tracks from Georgia’s capital Tbilisi. Independent musicians from a variety of genres have provided a selection of their best songs for this album, creating a colorful and authentic image of the young music scene in Tbilisi.

A01 ▶ TeTe noise / VAZHMARRდაისი [Daisi]
A02 ▶ არა [Ara] ♫ ირმა [Irma]
A03 ▶ Windshield America in my Heart
A04 ▶ იალონი [Ialoni] ♫ პატარა წვიმა [Patara Zvima]
A05 ▶ MokuMokuSugar Glider
A06 ▶ Lua Hello Yellow Lady Sun

B01 ▶ Bedford FallsThrill is Gone
B02 ▶ Creams SLEEP ON ME
B03 ▶ DRO x kordzRita
B04 ▶ Ezos ბებია [Bebia]
B05 ▶ Kid JesusSweetheart